This first post is about our mission and motto: “Intelligence First”.
At Intellegibilis we understand that every challenge is unique: there are no “one-size-fits-all” formulas, no universal recipes. Very seldom will one problem’s solution work flawlessly for other problems, even if inter-related. This is where intelligence enters: instead of repeating the same approaches and using the same tools over and over, we adapt and customize. For each mission.
From past experience in a variety of fields our team has learned one thing: it is the combination of several different educational/professional backgrounds and experiences that makes the team strong and dynamic; it is what creates that much-sought-after symbiosis. And symbiosis plus intelligence is what gets problems solved in the most elegant and effective way.
Have you ever planned an event of any scale only to find out that the event cycle is constantly disrupted by sudden “must-do” small things coming out of nowhere? It doesn’t have to be that way if the correct workflows are in place. And correct in this case means flexible, feedback-sensible. We help you build these dynamic workflows for your event. Or we just organize the whole thing for you if you prefer.
Have you ever contracted a custom software package only to find out that your end product has no relation whatsoever with the initial requirements analysis, only to end up paying considerable sums in support service? It also doesn’t have to be that way if clients and developers speak the same language. Language in this case means synchronicity, and synchronicity again demands intelligence. We speak your language and help you get the software you actually want to have.
Whatever the location and size of your project, if you require a custom, flexible solution and understand the need to avoid mindless repetition of inadequate formulas and concepts, if you want adaptability to all circumstances at any time and in a smooth way, then get in contact with us.
At Intellegibilis, intelligence really does come first.