Access and use of this website abides by the following terms and conditions:
1. This website features content created by both Intellegibilis and third parties (in which case explicit acknowledgement is made concerning the source(s) of the content). This content is subject to the standard Portuguese, European Union and International copyright laws. As such:
i) Anyone wishing to quote any content featured publicly at this website may do so, provided you properly acknowledge the content’s source and/or authorship. Even if proper acknowledgement is made, and if you intend on quoting more than a few lines or words, we will appreciate it if you let us know about it. Copying, modifying or distributing this website’s content without our express consent is forbidden and subject to the above-mentioned laws.
ii) Intellegibilis further rejects any responsibility for the usurpation or/and misuse of any content featured at this website.
2. If in the course of Intellegibilis operations a private area is created which is accessible only by the use of login data particular to the individual user, the following conditions apply:
i) Intellegibilis guarantees that the strictest security policies are in place on our end of the system, and that no one but the user will have access to his/her login data. With this said, the user is responsible for the login data security on his/her end of the system. Intellegibilis is thus not to be held accountable for any information loss or system breach which may happen on the user’s side.
ii) The user’s login is personal and not transferable. The login data cannot be used by anyone other than the user.
iii) The user agrees to immediately let us know of any unauthorized/suspicious use of his/her login details.
3. Intellegibilis has the right to interrupt access to this website for any amount of time deemed necessary to overcome technical or administrative problems, or any other circumstances of force majeure.
4. This website has links and information about third parties such as sponsors, partners and other entities. Although we do our best do make sure that this information is accurate:
i) The responsibility of guaranteeing that any third-party material abides by copyright laws and other legal requirements is these third parties’ own. As such, we decline any responsibility for any mistake or imprecision this third-party material may contain.
ii) Any relation a user of this website may have with any third-party entity, whether this relation is a consequence of the user’s interaction with Intellegibilis’ website or not, is the sole responsibility of both the user and the third party. We are not in any way accountable for these relations.
5. We reserve the right to change any of these terms at any time. Using and accessing this website means that you, the user, abide by the most recent version of this website’s terms of service.